Motivational Blogs to Inspire You !

Essential Life Lessons I learned from Dad

Essential Life Lessons I learned from Dad

  Many of you may have parents who have engrained the benefits of living a successful life into your psyche, whether it is at home or in the workplace. Utilized properly the following tips could create a significant influence on every aspect of your life.   These essential life lessons my own father taught me are so important I have passed his advice down to my own children for future generations.  Do what you love, love what you do  This probably is the most important advice dad ever shared with me. For someone who loved his work for over 40 years...

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Self - Love benefits to enjoy a happier, healthier life

Self - Love benefits to enjoy a happier, healthier life

      Self - Love can be considered a touchy subject.    No one wants to talk about the importance of loving themselves.   Why?  Because it is perceived as conceit and arrogant.  No one wants to hear ‘you can’t love another person until you love yourself’.   Although I totally believe that sentiment people still don’t want to hear about it.  What if I were to tell you that creating a loving, respectful, non-judgemental attitude towards yourself is probably one of the best things you can do to improve the quality of your life??  I can’t wait to tell you why...

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How to be happy when a long winter drags on

How to be happy when a long winter drags on

    We are in the middle of another cold, grey winter. And, it is dragging on!  Unless you are living in the sunny south many people choose to focus on the dreary, grey weather instead of the crisp, sheer beauty that the winter holds.  Choosing to focus on the exterior conditions that could dampen your spirits will negativity lower your mood, your state of mind and your levels of happiness.  If you have felt depressed, fatigued, irritable or less motivated than usual you may be experiencing the effects of S.A.D.  (Seasonal Affective Disorder).  The shortened days and reduced exposure...

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The secret to loving life with a youthful mindset

The secret to loving life with a youthful mindset

  Why do some people struggle to pull themselves out of the bed each morning and yet others spring out of the house with a new lease on life?   Quite often people get discouraged with the results they’ve achieved, sadly at a very young age.  And yet others have a sprint in their step enjoying a refreshing zest for life well into their 80’s.  I fondly remember working at CHCH-TV, in Ontario, Canada when I was in my early 20’s.  Luckily I was chosen to work on the famous children’s talent show,  “Tiny Talent Time”  a show that had been...

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Discover your Purpose & fuel your Passion

Discover your Purpose & fuel your Passion

  Living on purpose can create more passion and inspiration towards life than you can possibly imagine.   Not only is there a true sense of a feeling of importance in what you do on a daily basis, but you find yourself feeling more motivated and energetic that will ultimately create a lasting impact on others. Clearly identifying and acting on your purpose is probably one of the most important action steps in personal growth you can take that will move you forward in your life's journey.   Subsequently not having found your true purpose can leave you feeling directionless & unmotivated...

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