Motivational Blogs to Inspire You !

The secret to loving life with a youthful mindset

The secret to loving life with a youthful mindset

  Why do some people struggle to pull themselves out of the bed each morning and yet others spring out of the house with a new lease on life?   Quite often people get discouraged with the results they’ve achieved, sadly at a very young age.  And yet others have a sprint in their step enjoying a refreshing zest for life well into their 80’s.  I fondly remember working at CHCH-TV, in Ontario, Canada when I was in my early 20’s.  Luckily I was chosen to work on the famous children’s talent show,  “Tiny Talent Time”  a show that had been...

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Discover your Purpose & fuel your Passion

Discover your Purpose & fuel your Passion

  Living on purpose can create more passion and inspiration towards life than you can possibly imagine.   Not only is there a true sense of a feeling of importance in what you do on a daily basis, but you find yourself feeling more motivated and energetic that will ultimately create a lasting impact on others. Clearly identifying and acting on your purpose is probably one of the most important action steps in personal growth you can take that will move you forward in your life's journey.   Subsequently not having found your true purpose can leave you feeling directionless & unmotivated...

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Evolve into your Best Life this New Year!

Evolve into your Best Life this New Year!

    The beginning of every year is a special time for me.   Its when I sit down after the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and begin to create a new game plan for the goals I expect to accomplish.  So, I begin to think, and plan, much like what we all do when organizing our next vacation, only this procedure is different.  Goals are a significant aspiration to ascend to because you are shaping your life’s destiny.    The funny thing is most people spend more time planning their summer vacation than they do focusing on their life’s...

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Family togetherness at Christmas

Family togetherness at Christmas

    The holiday season can be anticipated with joy and happiness, but also just as many people can foresee the festive season as a time of anxiety & stress.   So many stressors with preparation, family arguments, financial hardship as well as feelings of letdowns and spending too much time looking back on the memories of Christmas past.   What can we do about this?  How do we create a wholesome, fulfilling family experience thru the holidays and still come out of it unravelled? We have found 7 key steps that will ensure a joyous Christmas holiday with family & friends:...

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50 Christmas Gift Ideas for Women

50 Christmas Gift Ideas for Women

Another year to share the Christmas spirit with family and friends. Giving a gift from the heart is not only personally rewarding for the one giving the gift, but the recipient is truly appreciative to the person who made the effort. Sometimes its not all that easy to find the 'perfect gift' !  Christmas gift giving can be a challenge, especially if you leave the shopping to the very last minute.  So our staff at Splendid Inspiration decided to sit down and we came up with some cool ideas!  We found 50 unique gift ideas you can give to that special person.  It...

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