Essential Life Lessons I learned from Dad


Many of you may have parents who have engrained the benefits of living a successful life into your psyche, whether it is at home or in the workplace. Utilized properly the following tips could create a significant influence on every aspect of your life.   These essential life lessons my own father taught me are so important I have passed his advice down to my own children for future generations.

 Do what you love, love what you do

 This probably is the most important advice dad ever shared with me. For someone who loved his work for over 40 years he became a constant advocate of this thinking. Although he always created a healthy balance between work and family, he lived and breathed his work every waking moment of his life.

He became such an expert in his job working as an Operating Engineer that an Ontario newspaper did a story about him regarding the work he did for almost 50 years.  He was 90 years old when the story was published. In this day and age people don’t normally stay in a job for too long always looking for more fulfillment.  Being in love with your work clearly means being on purpose.  For anyone reading this article who is looking to find more purpose in their life contact us and we can provide a FREE Skill Assessment quiz to help you find the answers.  Email:  Subject Line:  Purpose

 Be Grateful

 Gratitude, my father told me, is one of the most powerful emotional states we possess. Experiencing gratitude makes us happy, and we feel at peace with the world. It is a wonderful way to release negativity. When you are feeling grateful, you stop focusing on negative thoughts, which, of course, allows you to draw more positive energy towards you. Being grateful can turn denial into acceptance, chaos into order, and confusion into clarity. It may even begin to make sense of your past and bring peace to the present day, creating a positive vision for tomorrow.

 Respect others as well as yourself

 This was another surreal tip dad drilled into me over & over again all through my life.  Everyone’s choices in life are different so we should always treat others with respect no matter what their social status is, the color of their skin, language, or ethnicity. A favorite line from dad was: “It really doesn’t matter if you are digging a ditch or if you are the CEO of a large corporation,  we are all the same”

Attitude is everything

 Any child that has been taught by their parents to dream big, work hard, and maximize their potential is truly privileged because this is not the case with the majority of families nowadays. We shape our lives from what we are taught, from those role models we have in our lives, whether they are positive or negative influences.  For my dad to maintain a positive attitude towards life was really second nature for him.  It is the main reason he lived such a happy, healthy, successful life well into his nineties. 

My wish for my readers is that you have the same family experience I was fortunate enough to have.  To reach new heights you never thought possible and that you would provide the same valuable advice and encouragement towards your own children as I have been blessed with in my lifetime.





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