FREE Prosperity Guide
Unveil the secrets to living an enriched, abundant life that many successful people have prospered from.
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Realizing a dream or goal is a rewarding, worthwhile experience. But for many people when they try to manifest a goal it never seems to materialize. It becomes just another idea that gets ‘put on the shelf’. A worthy idea that never sees the light of day. Why is that?
Perhaps people live on autopilot and really don’t spend much time on this topic. Because of our hectic schedules fewer people set goals so why would they contemplate taking the time to develop a strategy? But what would happen if they did and began to utilize their marvelous mind? I can tell you thru experience that visualizing is an effective method to start the process as that enables you to create ‘pictures in your mind’ of an upcoming event, or perhaps that dream you want to achieve.
You see once you make a decision to commit to that idea it will then begin to take on a ‘mind of its own’ The goal that you desire becomes not just a thought anymore but an idea that slowly but surely begins to manifest into physical form.
From my own perspective thru study many of my ideas/goals have been realized over the past several decades and continue to manifest in my life. For example, two years ago I had ‘an idea,” a persistent ‘thought’ that I would one day publish a book and have it distributed worldwide. Back then I never in my wildest dreams thought that would happen. (not just promoted in your corner bookstore, but worldwide). I had absolutely no idea how I would accomplish this as it was literally just a ‘pipe dream’ to me. But, because I have accomplished so many goals in life and know the process I believed I could. Now just a few years later I achieved that goal and am astounded, and grateful with the results.
In over 35 years of study this is the most important idea I have ever learned, and it wasn’t taught in school. In my early twenties I literally had to search for this information as it just wasn’t readily available way back then.
You become what you think about which can take on many forms, it is for you to decide as you build the picture!. Here is my wellness book and me, “How to Think & Succeed by Empowering your Mind” now being distributed all over the world,… bookstores, libraries, prestigious universities like Harvard University Bookstore and amazon locations worldwide, this picture is taken from an Indigo bookshelf!
This mental process can be displayed in almost every aspect of your life. From building a picture of your daily routine to booking a worldwide trip. To attracting health & prosperity or the ideal companion to share your life with. In my experience the only reason your goals may not come into fruition is simply because you stopped focusing on that idea and changed the picture! Many years ago I never understood this process and didn’t achieve or focus on my results all that much. Now I do and the results are staggering. I started to study & I learned how my mind operates.
I have several chapters in my book that precisely describes this process in detail,… a step by step roadway to manifest your dreams/goals into physical form. A very dear friend a long time ago suggested if my way wasn’t working why not try this. So, I did, and it works! I suggest you try this out yourself.
“How to Think & Succeed by Empowering your Mind” is a new wellness, self-help book that is a step-by-step guide helping people tap into their inner strength to untap their potential and overcome obstacles that stand in their way by harnessing the power of their mind.
Read our many reviews, discover the FREE bonus gifts available with each book purchase and start realizing your dreams. Get your copy today!
Don’t wait—your path to clarity and confidence starts today.
Author: Lori Gradley
Entrepreneur | Internationally Published Writer & Author |
Mindset & Wellness Coach | Mother
This FREE Prosperity Guide will unveil the secrets to living an enriched, abundant life that many successful people have prospered from.
This guide will effectively move you closer to your dreams and goals by discovering the 10 proven steps that will unlock the keys to your success. To do, be, and have everything you desire.