A Bucket List is described as experiences a person wants to accomplish in their life time,… before they ‘Kick the Bucket’ (an old English adiom) The psychology behind the list is considered to be a positive form of goal setting that promotes physical, spiritual and mental well being.
It allows us to replace our daily hectic schedule with a profound experience, an exciting adventure of importance. Each bucket list is of course unique to the individual clearly representing their hopes & desires. On many occasions a bucket list is created due to a sudden jolt of awareness or perhaps a brush with mortality that really wakes us up.
“The purpose of life is to live it, to savour experience to the upmost, to reach out eagerly without fear for newer and richer experiences” Eleanor Roosevelt
Many of us live our lives in a flurry of activities and work overload. Few people set goals so why would they consider writing down their most treasured bucket list ideas before they die? Creating a bucket list allows us to decide and choose what is really important, what is of value so we can act on that goal, before its too late….
This blog is personally important to me and the reason why I wrote it. Two months ago my father sadly passed away. He was 2 months short of his 94th birthday. He lived an incredible, healthy fulfilled life, was dearly loved & will be missed by so many. This blog is a tribute to my father.
Years ago dad & I discussed our ‘Bucket List’ over a frosty cold ‘pint’ at the “Winchester Arms”, a favorite English pub we use to love to go to. Dad told me when he hits 100 we would celebrate by going on a hot air balloon ride together! He was so excited about it and as he was still very healthy we thought he would easily hit the milestone ‘100’ birthday. Sadly I wish I had taken him on that balloon ride back then. Now of course it’s too late. The point here is we thought he had years left to live.
None of us know how long we have left on this earth so this is a lesson and a reminder to not squander your time, take action and maximize every moment to live your life to the fullest. “Every man dies, … but not every man really lives” … William Ross
My family has booked a hot air balloon ride in a few months fully expecting dad to join us and experience the marvelous view & splendor up there in the awe inspiring clouds.
Here are some effective strategies to help ensure you are taking the time to create a bucket list you love. Interestingly enough bucket lists can be an eye opener to become more aware of what is truly important. Start thinking of the following when you begin to write your list:
1. What would you do if you knew you only had a few months to live?
2. What things would you do if you had unlimited time or money?
3. What have you always dreamt about but have never done before?
4. What are your biggest goals and dreams?
5. What experiences do you want to feel or have?
6. Any countries, places in the world you have always wanted to see?
I personally have been creating ‘Bucket lists’ for many years and since I put this blog together I realized in awe ALL the places I’ve actually been to. Great ideas should you want to put them on your own Bucket list !
– Acropolis & Parthenon, Athens, Greece, — Matterhorn in Switzerland
· Fed a kangaroo, held a Koala bear in Australia, been to Great Barrier Reef
· Camped under the stars on Mount Cook, New Zealand
– Santorini, Mykonos, Crete, Greece, — Eiffel Tower, Paris, France
· Grand Canyon & Sedona’s Red Rock, Arizona, North American Indian culture
· Sailing ANYTIME! —- I’m a Cancer, I luv my home – family – cooking & the WATER!
– Dachau Concentration Camp, Munich, Germany, Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico
· Neuschwanstein Castle, Bavaria, Germany, — Hiked up in the Austrian Alps,
– Helicopter over active volcano, Hawaii, — Marvelled at the Pompeii ruins in Italy
· Colosseum & Vatican, Rome , — Tuscany, Italy where I would love to retire !
· Sagrada Basilica Church, Barcelona, Spain — River rafting, Canadian Rockies
– Snow skiing, tons of water sports, and even swam with the dolphins!
I hope this gives you a better indication of how important it is to take action by savoring your time and using it wisely. Make sure the most important, valued things in your life do become a priority. Have fun building and experiencing your own Bucket List !
Don’t wait—your path to clarity and confidence starts today.
Author: Lori Gradley
Entrepreneur | Internationally Published Writer & Author |
Mindset & Wellness Coach | Mother
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