Splendid Inspiration

The secret to loving life with a youthful mindset

Why do some people struggle to pull themselves out of the bed each morning and yet others spring out of the house with a new lease on life?   Quite often people get discouraged with the results they’ve achieved, sadly at a very young age.  And yet others have a sprint in their step enjoying a refreshing zest for life well into their 80’s. 

I fondly remember working at CHCH-TV, in Ontario, Canada when I was in my early 20’s.  Luckily I was chosen to work on the famous children’s talent show,  “Tiny Talent Time”  a show that had been running for over 40 years.  This tv show had been on air so long I myself was a little tap dancer on the show when I was only 6.  It was ironic that I would be working on the show decades later! 

Some of these lucky kids who auditioned would be chosen to be on the next live show and it was fun watching them doing what they loved!  Many of these children were as young as 4yrs old and I was amazed at their confidence level, their positive energy and excitement with the talent they performed.

One nite I was leaving an audition and was racing to get to an evening seminar on personal development.  The speaker was a professional in every sense of the word, impeccably dressed and had an undeniable positive attitude that exuded high energy & confidence.  He didn’t just walk up on stage, he ‘bounded’ up to the platform and from that point on I sat their mesmerized with utter amazement listening and learning material I had never been taught before

As I sat there enjoying the evening I couldn’t help but notice the speakers fun loving youthfulness & total commitment for what he believed in and was struck by the similarity of the same behavior I witnessed with the young kids I had just auditioned a few hours ago.  Regardless of age both were doing what they loved.

I came away from the evening with a deep reflection about age and mindset.  Embracing life with a youthful mindset is the expression of living with intent, passion and courage. It enables you to enjoy high levels of energy experiencing a true sense of purpose.  Celebrating life should be a normal state of mind although sadly only a small minority actually achieve this.

Doing what you love is freedom,  Loving what you do is happiness” – Lana Del Ray

Our lives are unfolding every single moment so it would make sense to work in a career you love.  Not only will this create purpose, but you will develop an enriched, deep emotional satisfaction that fulfils your soul enabling you to continue to grow and prosper.

Live an enriched life and achieve your goals,

Don’t wait—your path to clarity and confidence starts today.

Author: Lori Gradley

Entrepreneur | Internationally Published Writer & Author |
Mindset & Wellness Coach | Mother