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SPRING AWAKENING: Embrace the Season of Renewal & begin to Thrive!

 As the days get longer we watch in amazement as the fresh, floral blooms start bursting thru the earths soil and without any effort on our part, our minds and bodies begin to feel lighter. It feels like an ‘invisible heavy weight that has miraculously been lifted off our shoulders, warming our hearts and renewing our soul.


Although winter has its own dark / cold energy it is also filled with introspection. Personally, I go into ‘quiet mode’ either vacationing in the sun or enjoying the solitude of a winters chalet usually studying with my feet up enjoying a glass of wine!  It is also when I create new wellness articles and write brand-new manuscripts. In fact, in a few months I’ll be publishing a brand-new self care book! I look forward to sharing it with you.

For those who are passionate about wanting to improve your results and change your mindset I encourage you to indulge in some empowering reading that has the potential to transform your life.  Grab a copy of my latest self help book already on the shelves being distributed worldwide. “How to Think & Succeed by Empowering your Mind” With 35 years of study and research it encompasses a step by step roadmap to help people tap into their inner strength so they can cultivate a new positive mindset to live their best life.  

Empowering Mindset Tools to learn from:

This highly effective transformative book is ideal for adults and students alike.  Even though the minds operation is a complex subject I have successfully been able to take decades of research and condense these mindset tools so people can learn and apply this information as well as utilizing the exercises found in each chapter.  

In just one year this wellness book has been widely  received globally in libraries, bookstores, universities, colleges, and school boards. In fact, it is also being distributed in prisons for inmates to study while they are incarcerated before they return to society.

Read our highly acclaimed 5 star reviews found on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Think-Succeed-Empowering-Your-Mind/dp/1039186130/  

Click here to find out how to get your copy:  https://www.lorigradley.com


Universal Law of Rhythm: 

The universal Law of Rhythm teaches that everything flows in and out of phases—as we see in nature: cycle of day & night, the sun rises and sets, or the tides that wash in and out. It is a natural flow of perpetual motion and energy which also effects our personal growth. This season is an opportunity to plant seeds for your future— in every area of your life: career, health, finances or a brand-new relationship. Ask yourself, what is needed in your life right now?  What is the missing puzzle piece that will move you forward to make you really happy? 


I understand Tony Robbins’ virtual event is coming up this week, March 13-16th.  This program could very well be the catalyst you have been searching for to improve your results.  I receive NO compensation for promoting this whatsoever, it is simply my honest recommendation and obligation to support those that visit my site, as well as my clients and subscribers.

Recently I attended one of his events and it was the very First Time I’ve experienced his work. For the past 40 years I’ve never physically seen him, never read his books, or attended a virtual or live event.  No joke! 

You are probably sitting there thinking, “Really?? You’ve never seen Tony Robbins before??  Have you been living under a rock for the past 40 years?”  lol 

Yes, its true, I have been living under a rock for the past 40 years ! 😊

Tony Robbins isn’t just a global phenomenon; for decades his empowering programs have been transforming  lives all over the world creating long lasting change, and his worldwide philanthropic efforts are off the charts. 

Listen, in a few months we will be in the summer cycle grilling steaks in the backyard drinking mojitos or enjoying a cold frothy beer.  We may very well miss this spring cycle of transformation if we don’t take action. 

Now is the time to embrace that passion hidden deep within you to realize your full potential. “Awaken the Giant” as Tony Robbins so eloquently says, – and start to begin your own self discovery journey towards a life of renewal and abundance.  Commit to making a positive change. Click the link and sign up today:  http://www.tonyrobbins.com

My warmest regards to you,  Lori Gradley, CEO, Splendid Inspiration

Live an enriched life and achieve your goals,

Don’t wait—your path to clarity and confidence starts today.

Author: Lori Gradley

Entrepreneur | Internationally Published Writer & Author |
Mindset & Wellness Coach | Mother