Entrepreneur, Int'l Published Writer, Author,
Mindset & Wellness Coach, & Mother

Lori Gradley is a personal development and mindset coach helping people become the best they can be. With 35 years of experience training under some of the industry’s leading voices, Lori brings her passion, business skills, and life experience to deliver meaningful wellness courses & personal growth books to empower others.

  • 35 years of personal development experience taught from the best in the industry.
  • Owner of Splendid Inspiration, a motivational business offering online wellness courses & coaching as well as years of experience writing inspirational articles, published worldwide.
  • Canadian published Author of Self-Help Book, "How to Think & Succeed by Empowering your Mind"  with worldwide distribution.
  • Worked with Bob Proctor, International icon in Personal Development. Attained top sales status, promoted to management, training sales reps throughout North America.
  • Own a Canadian multi million dollar Property Management company for 18 years.  

  • Built a successful women’s online gift business with Etsy.
  • Worked at CHCH TV, Hamilton, Ontario on the Children’s Talent Show ‘Tiny Talent Time’.
  • At 17 began modeling: runway, print and TV commercials.
  • Taught self improvement classes at a Miss Canada’s modeling studio.
  • Co-ordinated & choreographed Fashion Shows throughout Ontario.
  • Married for 35 years and proud mother of an amazing son & daughter

I was raised in Hamilton, Ontario supported by a loving family & friends. Years ago a serious head on collision landed me in the hospital for several months, bedridden, immobile & in traction. As a result of the crash, I endured grueling therapy to recuperate and having time on my hands to think I did a lot of soul searching examining my life's mistakes.

I discovered that my reactive, negative behavior made me unhappy, prompting many volatile mood swings & health issues which caused me to leave jobs & relationships. I was NOT in control of my life & decided I needed to change.  

From that point on I began to invest in myself and studied personal development. For well over 35 yrs I've been creating abundance in my life by developing a powerful mindset.  It is a skill that can be taught but does require discipline. That traumatic accident was the best thing that could have happened because it prompted me to improve my life. 

I encourage you to evaluate your own life and decide if you too need to make some adjustments. I can show you how simply because I've been successfully applying this knowledge for a very long time!  Developing a new & improved mindset will reward you with a fulfilling life of prosperity, abundance and happiness..