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Break-Thru the Winter Blues: Learning how to Thrive in the Cold Dreary Months

For people who live in the northern hemisphere winter can feel like an endless stretch of cold, gray days, and for many, it brings more than just physical discomfort – it can also take a toll on your mental health. Personally, I try to spend as much of the winter months in the sunny south, working on my laptop, swimming in the turquoise blue water and enjoying the incredible sunsets on a sailboat, every chance I get, cause that’s what I LOVE TO DO.

Here’s what happens and why you feel drained in the winter. Feeling down during the winter months is a real experience for many, often referred to as the “winter blues” or seasonal affective disorder (SAD). But the good news is, you don’t have to accept this as your reality. There are plenty of ways to regain your energy, lift your spirits, even when the days are shorter, and the weather is colder.

Its quite frankly and simply YOUR decision as to how you choose to perceive it.

One powerful way to combat the winter blues is through light. Natural sunlight is a mood booster, so try to spend as much time outdoors as possible during the day, even if it’s just for a brief walk. If it’s too cold to go outside, consider using light therapy, which mimics natural sunlight and can help alleviate the symptoms of SAD.  Uptake your Vitamin D and Vitamins B’s, specifically B6, B12 and folate as they can enhance your mood.  These small, consistent changes can help reset your body’s natural rhythm and improve your outlook on life.

Steps to keep you feeling positive in the winter:

Exercise is vital to staying positive during the winter months. It might seem daunting to get moving when it’s chilly outside, but even a quick workout inside can release endorphins – those feel-good chemicals in the brain that help fight depression.

Whether it’s yoga, exercising at the gym, a home workout, or dancing around the kitchen making dinner listening to some kick-ass music! movement has an immediate positive impact on mental well-being.  And when you feel stronger physically, you’ll notice an improvement in your emotional state.

Absolutely, Hands down.

You see we live on three planes of existence,  however that physical body we all live in, the one we spend most of our time concentrating on,… it is just one of the puzzle pieces. 


Take care of your Mental State: 

Your emotional state and mental equilibrium is one of the puzzle pieces and is so important. Try mindfulness practices, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, to keep you grounded. AND invest in your personal growth by reading inspiring books to keep you motivated.  I must be the only person on the planet that actually enjoys reading metaphysical and scientific books while relaxing on the beach!   

These mindset tools can be particularly helpful when you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Additionally, connecting with friends and family, even through virtual means, can provide emotional support and a much-needed reminder that you’re not alone. Social interaction – even in small doses – can make a huge difference in lifting your mood.

An Act of Kindness: 

An act of kindness given freely with absolutely no expectation for anything in return can truly light up another person’s day, as well as your own. And feeling grateful for everything you have will leave you feeling inspired and elevated.  Seriously, it’s a natural high … you should try it.

Most importantly, winter is temporary. Each passing day brings you closer to the warmth and vibrancy of spring. Give yourself permission to rest when you need it but also challenge yourself to incorporate little habits into your routine that can boost your energy and well-being.

Embrace Winter! 

Be good to yourself, because you ARE worth it. If you are going to do anything nice for yourself for the entire year, do it in the winter when you might need it the most. That’s why I go south in the winter to renew, recharge and visualize the next steps I need to take for my company,  while I’m in a relaxed state.  

Embrace winter as an opportunity to nurture your mind and body, and soon you’ll feel inspired to not just survive – but thrive.  Within no time at all you’ll be ready and able to indulge in the warmth of the upcoming spring season! 

Live an enriched life and achieve your goals,

Don’t wait—your path to clarity and confidence starts today.

Author: Lori Gradley

Entrepreneur | Internationally Published Writer & Author |
Mindset & Wellness Coach | Mother