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Brand New Wellness Book  - “How to Think & Succeed by Empowering your Mind”

To all my readers and subscribers who visit my Blog site I wanted to share with you some thrilling news! Finally with much anticipation everyone is eagerly waiting for its completion.  Over the past year I have been working tirelessly on a brand-new wellness book called:

 “How to Think & Succeed by Empowering your Mind”

Introducing “How to Think & Succeed by Empowering your Mind”.   Discover your secret mental tools to enjoy a life of happiness and abundance.  This is a groundbreaking wellness and personal development book that is set to revolutionize the way people approach their personal and professional lives.It is now available to order at various distribution channels in paperback, hardcover and ebook formats.

This self help book is a culmination of over 35 years of study and research that encompasses a step-by-step strategy to help people tap into their inner strength to overcome the obstacles in life that stand in their way.

As you are my valued clients and subscribers, I wanted you to be the first to know about this newest venture.  We truly believe that this book has the power to transform lives and help support people by achieving personal and professional success. To become the best they can be.  

How to Think and Succeed by Empowering your Mind is a roadmap to happiness, health and prosperity.  In learning how to harness the power of the mind you will be able to cultivate an enhanced self image and create a positive mindset.  By simply learning how to adjust mindset people can unlock their potential, remove negative habit patterns they have become conditioned with and manifest an abundant, happier life.  

Just a few reviews we have received so far:

 “An empowering book that guides the reader on an in-depth, thought-provoking path of inspiration, science, and the awe of the power of a positive mindset”

Dr. L. Brown, ND, Holistic Naturopath

“This book is a game changer as it unveils the untapped power of the mind and its vast potential. This step-by-step strategy frees you from negative habits paving the way for a deeper transformation to take place”

C. Twizell, CEO, Designs4Media

“An empowering beacon of light for those seeking to unlock their full potential and deepen their journey of self discovery.  A must read for anyone with a desire to unleash their greatness”

S. Rufener, Owner, Trans4Med Fitness

Are doubts, fears and negative thought patterns creating roadblocks that keep you from improving your life?  If inner peace and happiness has become elusive no matter how hard you try, this refreshingly new perspective in this new wellness book will support you in finding the answers.

As a token of our appreciation for a limited time for anyone that wants to order my book we are offering some Free Gifts with book purchase.  These free gifts have been carefully selected to complement the valuable insights and strategies that are shared in this book.   We also would love it if you could provide a review on Amazon or Goodreads as it will help improve the success of the book and reach so many others who want to improve their lives.

Find out how to order, watch our video and learn how to receive your free gifts here:


Live an enriched life and achieve your goals,

Don’t wait—your path to clarity and confidence starts today.

Author: Lori Gradley

Entrepreneur | Internationally Published Writer & Author |
Mindset & Wellness Coach | Mother