Splendid Inspiration

6 Effective Ways to Cope with Holiday Anxiety


You are not alone. Even though Christmas is a wonderful time of year many find this festive period is full of stress, anxiety, disappointment and loneliness. For those who have lost a loved one the holiday season can create further intensified feelings of grief and sadness.

BUT, there are many ways to cope with this anxiety to create a positive, inspired holiday experience just by utilizing these simple tools:

Plan ways to reduce your spending by identifying what is causing your financial stress. Low cost ways to budget your holiday plans can help considerably. Draw up a budget way before you actually start shopping and don’t deviate from it. Online shopping is a much less stressful way to shop and is at an all time high with the Covid pandemic.

Christmas is meant to be a time of celebration but for many people who are lonely it is the saddest, worse time of the year. Stay in touch with your loved ones as often as possible. Help others by volunteering at a local charity. By connecting with others who may feel the same way can help relieve your own anxiety and help them out as well.

Losing a loved one is heartbreaking but coping over the holidays is that much harder to deal with. The best method I have found with my own experience is doing something totally different thru the holidays rather than routine. It can make a major difference. Start a new tradition that you would enjoy. Instead of feeling sad spend the time looking for ways to celebrate your loved ones memory because that is truly what they would have wanted.

If the holiday season is causing too much pressure take time out for yourself. Where on earth does it say everyone else at Christmas is supposed to be enjoying themselves but YOU?? As a mother that basically handles most of the household tasks I can say with total conviction that the majority of ALL women, (unless you are a single father) are the ones that make Christmas happen, and it can get pretty dicey if you allow it to.

Take good care of yourself, you are so important. Eat sensibly as we all know how much we can get way off our diet. Drink in moderation as it is a major depressant. Exercise, get some fresh air, try mindful relaxation techniques to put you in a calmer, more relaxed state and lastly get enough beauty sleep.

Remember not to worry about things that are out of your control. You can’t control everything, but you most certainly can change your mindset by controlling how you react to the situation. Stop comparing your festivities to the perfect Christmas postcard, it doesn’t exist. Everyone’s holiday with their family can have their own festive spirit that can be enjoyed and shared by everyone. And, that is what your memories are made of.

There is also the dilemma that another year is over and people are concerned that they didn’t realize all their goals. Many are often filled with regret and saddened that they didn’t achieve what they wanted to. It can put some people into a negative downward spiral.

Stop doing that !!! From my own experience goals are like seeds. They have an incubation period before they can manifest into physical form. There is always NEXT year, to build & visualize new goals and achievements. Focus on those future rewards you can accomplish.

In conclusion I stepped away from the completion of this BLOG to sit and watch a classic Christmas movie with my family that I personally have been watching every year for decades. It was filmed in 1988 called: SCROOGED, with Bill Murray. I’m sure you are all familiar with this fabulous, enlightening Christmas event. I leave you with my very favorite Christmas Eve quote from this Christmas story.

“Its Christmas Eve”, Its the one night of the year when we all act a little nicer, we smile a little easier, we cheer a little more. For a couple of hours out of the whole year we are the people that we always hoped we could be ! and the perfect ending “God bless us everyone”

My wish is that you become the person you have always wanted to be! Have a Merry Christmas, filled with peace, joy, and happiness spent with your family and friends.

Continue to be inspired !
Lori Gradley

Live an enriched life and achieve your goals,

Don’t wait—your path to clarity and confidence starts today.

Author: Lori Gradley

Entrepreneur | Internationally Published Writer & Author |
Mindset & Wellness Coach | Mother